Mini Parkour
Yes that's right, your pint-size mini ninja that tears your house apart now has their own class! This class is all indoor but introduces key parkour terms and techniques such as lazy vault, side vault, precision jumps and parkour rolls while implementing floor and tramp skills like forward rolls, bunny tucks, and safe soft landings. This class also spends time on bars, learning how to hold their shape while swinging, and how to re-grip and land. All lessons are taught indoors.
Learning Outcomes
Safe landings from double mini and vault boxes, how to safely parkour roll from the wedge, how to re-grip on bars, holding on bars 30secs, holding handstand on wall 20 secs, safely do 1 - 2 vaults over the small box, sticking a precision jump with no steps.

Parkour 1
This class welcomes the students by teaching them basic skills, including landings, bar work, vaults, precision jumps, and basic tumbling, as well as how to move fluidly from one skill to the next. The classes are taught indoors with a gymnastics style set up for the first 45mins, before spending the last 15mins outside, practicing hanging, balancing and jumping on certain parts of the course. Agility, cardio and upper body strength is developed in the fast-paced dynamic class as well as encouraging the social element of Parkour through games and cheering your other teammates on.
Learning Outcomes for Level 1
Parkour rolls (indoors), Vaults (speed, lazy, cat), Precision jump (one and two feet landing) Bars, regrip swigs, forward rolls to tunk hangs, half handstands, cartwheels, dive rolls and backward rolls.
Parkour 2
(Level 2 is the entry level for 9yrs+)
This next level extends on the basic skills learned to now get students to put sequences of tricks together, which demands more of them in all physical areas. These added dynamics include more complex vaults and bigger jumps. Students continue to increase their own language of bar work as well as more dynamic floor and tumbling work such as r’doffs and front saults.
As students build up confidence and skills they begin to translate more of these skills to the outdoor area. The parkour roll is one example, first done with a mat as this is a method used to help soften the impact of all landings and can be used as a safety technique with any trick or landing. Students are asked to create their own lines and test their agility in speed runs that are done throughout the term/s.
Learning Outcomes for Level 2
R’doffs (on floor), front saults (on tramp/airmat), Back sault drills (spotted), drills for side sault, lasche prep (on bars), chin up pull over (bars), wall runs, connecting 2 vaults together, precisions from high to low points.

Parkour 3
Students now have a wide base of skills available to use. They have built a strong foundation of skill, which can then be put into individual runs effectively. Parkour 3 focuses on taking these skills into an advanced realm. Front saults are now started to be done from a height to be landed on a hard surface, R’doffs connect into a back sault and vaults start to be done of a higher platform. Bar work continues to develop with lashes and flyways being taught. Parkour 3 cultivates students to have their own style and flair. Some students may be acrobatically inclined, some may be more progressive with big jumps and fast moves, both angles are fostered by the instructor and given encouragement to be pushed and developed.
Learning Outcomes for Level 3
Side saults, back saults (standing), wall flips, lashes, flyaways, corkscrews, vaulting from height, precisions to rails.
Classes are held outside of normal class space throughout the year, as well as excursions to AAPES + in house competitions at Burgh.