Junior Drama
The drama program begins with teaching basic performing skills and activating the imagination. Students will explore characters through movement, voice and text. Then taking these charters to tell a story in front of others and becoming more comfortable and focused on stage.
The year culminates with a short performance for the students to showcase everything they’ve learnt so far.
Learning Outcomes
Explore drama techniques in depth, work as an ensemble, learn general theatre techniques, work on improvisations, use costumes.
Short presentation week 10 of term 2 in front of parents + short scenes in front of an audience end of term 4, together with Drama 2, in a theatre.

Tween / Teen Drama
The first half of the year the students will work towards an original performance, focusing on building characters and analysing their actions, wants and relationships that spur them into ‘action’. During the second half of the year, students will be given short plays specially written for them and dive into staging these plays using basic character and text analysis tools while learning to collaborate with directors, writers, and their acting ensemble.
Learning Outcomes
Develop characters, high level improvisation techniques.
Short presentation for parents week 10 of term 2 + short 15 min play in front of an audience end of Term 4 with drama II.